We got a few comments and inquiries on our holiday greeting this year. Seems as though some out there are not familiar with Vitamin U. Among the other things Mercedes often comes up with are some catchy little items to lure, fortify and sate their customers. Among them – Vitamin U. This well made tin was intended to keep a supply of dietary supplements on hand for the Vitamin U deficient Unimog Owner, Operator, Mechanic, you name it. Replenishment was accomplished via the refill packet available for nominal cost, and to be sure, OTC (no prescription required). These little gems did actually include an array of vitamins, among them B1, B2, B6, B12, C, and E among other nutrients. As the statement says, “Vorbeugen ist besser als heilen”, translated, prevention is better than cure !

But wait – that’s not all ! No longer does the Owner, Operator or Mechanic need worry about his daily vitamin supplement, there’s also something to fill the void between meals. Mercedes granola bars, or Energiebündel, are a convenient way to cease the growling often occurring around that coffee break time. As well, “ Gummimogs” hit the spot when it comes to mid day pick-me-ups whether it be on the road, in the office, or in the shop.
Don’t be surprised if you get a Gratis sample of one of these items with your next order. Supplies are limited.